Gigi Wert’s 100th service!

It’s celebration time at Empire Beauty School Shamokin Dam, PA as Gigi Wert received her 100th service! To celebrate this moment, our Empire Team surprised Gigi with a certificate, flowers, and a special guest, Trend-E.
No stranger to the beauty industry, Gigi was formerly a hair model in New York City. Now, she continues to be serviced by our future beauty professionals to show her support. Gigi started visiting Empire Beauty School to support her granddaughter who was a student in 2017-2018.
Gigi enjoys watching the students progress as they continue their education on the salon floor through graduation. She is recommended to her next stylist when her current stylist is nearing graduation. Sometimes the new stylist shadows her last appointment with her previous stylist so they can show them exactly what she likes.
“My favorite part is when I start with a student who just got to the salon floor and see their progression. It’s important to support beauty schools because they need the support,” says Gigi Wert.
Morgan Nelling, Empire Beauty School Shamokin Dam, PA Executive Director, is thankful for Gigi’s dedication to supporting our future beauty professionals.
“We love having her continuous support. She is always kind when she comes in. Sometimes she even gives her stylist a little gift before they graduate. Something else that’s amazing, is that she gives the students feedback and doesn’t make them feel bad for it. It’s great to see the students’ confidence build as they continue to work on her because she is such a respected client for us, and typically they are nervous if they are chosen as her next stylist. We all love her here, and we couldn’t be more thankful that she continues to support our students pretty much every week.“

Gigi, thank you for supporting our students at Empire Beauty School. It is because of you and individuals like yourself that helps our students become successful stylists.