Empire Beauty School Graduate Determined to Conquer Adversity

Charmare Edmond, an Empire Beauty School Northeast Philadelphia Graduate, is determined to make the most of each opportunity given to her. Edmond graduated in November 2022, with 100% attendance and was a member of our 90/90 club. The 90/90 Club is in recognition of the Future Professional Stylists who are excelling in our program, reflected in the 90% or better attendance and 90% or better grade point average.
Since graduating, Edmond is taking a well-deserved break and preparing to take her State Board Exams in the upcoming month. After completing the exam, Edmond plans on heading back to school for the Educators program.

“I love doing hair, especially natural hair. When I was a kid, my mom was sick and couldn’t do my hair. The person that did my hair used to pull it in ways I did not like. I told my mom I wanted to learn so I won’t have to ask someone else. I was only 6 or 7 years old, my mom told me I was too little to learn. I have a sensitive scalp and it is better when I do my own hair. I know there are others like me, and I want them to feel comfortable when other people are doing their hair. That is why I got into cosmetology,” said Edmond.
Edmond, originally from Haiti, is in the process of learning English as her third language. During her time there, she was able to begin her beauty journey.
“When I was 13 years old, I went to beauty school but did not graduate because the school closed. When we moved here, I asked my dad if I could attend beauty school, and at first, he didn’t agree. In the end, he was okay with it because I have always loved beauty,” said Edmond.
With English not being her first language, Edmond faced challenges in understanding the material. She worked with our Empire Team to try new ways of studying.
“As someone who speaks two other languages and is currently learning English, it was difficult. If I didn’t have supportive educators, I would have dropped out. Miss Dara really helped me, took her time, and went out of her way for me. She would give me a printed version of the PowerPoint, highlight it, and make sure I understand it. She never had problems explaining and would try to help me understand. When I felt like I wanted to quit, I would talk to her and she would explain everything to me. Miss Amanda was also helpful when I got to the salon floor. I was comfortable asking her questions and she never got tired of me asking her,” said Edmond.
One key characteristic about Edmond is her determination, which is through her accomplishments.
“If you say to yourself that you want something, then you do it. If you cannot do it, ask for help because there are people willing to help you,” said Edmond.

“When I first came to this school, I was stressed and failed my first test. My educator came to me asking how she can help. I explained to her that English was difficult to understand at times, and she did not hesitate to help. She will always try her best to understand what I am trying to say. If you want to do something, just put your head to it and do it,” said Edmond.
“I know I love cosmetology, and that is why I was in school. I am here for something that I love, not just for fun. I have to make the best out of it. Miss Dara would send us morning motivational texts that would make me want to go to school,” said Edmond.
For future and current students, Edmond shares her motivation.
“If you love it, go for it. I graduated with 100% attendance. Every morning I tell myself, you love cosmetology and you love doing hair, that is the thing that you love, you have to go to school to do it. Give yourself time to learn, do what you love, and you will enjoy it. The educators are really helpful to the students. It is important to be respectful to the educators because they will help you,” said Edmond.
For more information about Empire Beauty School, or how to enroll, please visit https://bit.ly/LearnMoreAtEmpire