This is a question posed by not only students, but many seasoned Nail Technicians as well. The truth is so many things can contribute to product lifting that we as Nail Technicians need to look at many different aspects of our service.
1. Are we doing a proper nail plate preparation?
Properly preparing a nail plate for an artificial enhancement is crucial to the enhancements ability to endure. The key to enhancement success is to make sure the nail plate is not only free from oil or dirt but that is also has been well sanitized.
2. Are we using our products as the manufacturer recommends?
We all have little things we do or try that may NOT be a part of the instruction manual. The problem is the instruction manual was created for a reason. A lot of boring chemistry is involved in making enhancement products. This chemistry ensures that all products within a system happily co-exist with each other and you have the best results. Cherry picking products from different systems can be a recipe for disaster.
3. Are we over-filing?
We used to joke that we could fix anything with a file. If you lay the product down in a not so neat way, don’t worry. A file will fix that. Or will it? Excessive filing creates heat on the surface of the enhancement. Areas that have been exposed to excess heat WILL lift. The cuticle area in particular seems to be the most excessively filed area. In turn, it is also the area that lifts the fastest. My advice is to work on your product placement so that minimal filing is needed. Practice as much as you can. The cleaner you lay the product down, the less filing you will need to do. In the end, the enhancement will hold up better.
4. What is Cross-Contamination?
Cross- Contamination is when different chemicals are mistakenly mixed together. The end result is both chemicals perform poorly. When it comes to enhancements, the biggest Cross-Contamination usually happens when you have used a brush cleaner. Not allowing the brush cleaner to dry before placing the brush is another chemical such as a Monomer liquid causes contamination to the Monomer. It also does not allow the monomer to properly do its job. This typically results in lifting or yellowing of the enhancement. Each system should have its own brush and brushes should only be placed in cleaning solution at the end of the day. This gives them sufficient time to dry eliminating the Cross – Contamination concern.
This checklist is just a portion of what can cause lifting but they are the issues we see the most. They are also the issues that are the easiest for you to correct. Hopefully this helps you in your quest for the perfect nails!