How to Prepare for a Salon Interview
Everyone gets the pre-interview jitters; especially if you’ll be interviewing some place that you just know is where you’re meant to work. Regardless of how you feel about the job you’re going in for, you should always be prepared. Preparedness leads to confidence and there are lots of things the faculty and staff can do to get you ready along the way. Aside from what’s in the curriculum, don’t hesitate to ask for extra advice or editing time on your resume and cover letter. Here are some of my favorite tips I hand out to students:
This is the impersonal look at your professional self. What have you done and where have you done it? One of the biggest mistakes I see students make on their resume is including too much extra information. The resume should be factual, not opinionated, so don’t say, “I was my boss’s best employee”, show them through awards and accolades. Though it should go without saying, absolutely do not ever lie. I’ve seen too many resumes on my desk that fudge the truth about some of the littlest things. Be wary of putting anything on your resume that can’t be backed up with facts; it could come back to bite you in the end and cause your future employer to find you untrustworthy.
Cover letter:
Cover letter
Always include a cover letter. It takes five extra minutes to make one and many others are too lazy to take the time. If you are one of the few that submits one it will put you above the rest. Unlike the resume, this letter is your chance to show your future employer who you are in your own words. The tone and content will help the interviewer get to know you before you arrive and it may be one of the biggest reasons they called you in the first place. If you are up against another recent graduate but you have a cover letter, you have now gone from being equally qualified to having something the other candidate doesn’t. Always make sure to keep it professional; this is your chance to tell them why they should hire you and not somebody else.
Your Portfolio
It’s continually surprising to me how few students take pictures of their work. In the age of smartphones and digital cameras there are few excuses as to why you aren’t taking before and after pictures of every service you perform. Yes, there may be some who prefer not to be photographed, but I’ve yet to hear a mannequin form any objection. Take pride in your work and take pictures. Coming prepared to your interview with a filled portfolio is the easiest way to show off to a perspective employer and highlight your talents.
Always remember your faculty and staff are here to answer your questions, edit your papers, and ask you the toughest interview questions we can think of to get you ready to face your first interview. Our mission is to send you out into the world armed with the practical and professional knowledge you need to take the beauty industry in your city by storm. So take advantage of the resources available to you at your campus, we’re all here to help you on your way to success.