So You've Finally Decided to Start Cosmetology School

First, always remember to breathe! You probably will freak out a little after you make such a major decision, but hey that’s good! That means you are challenging yourself beyond your norm. When you go to the school for the first time, bring someone – have that support system ready. Look the part, own it – dress to impress. You may have doubts, you may second guess yourself, but remember at the end of the day you were born to do this!

Following the Yellow Brick Road
The tour of the school is going to be amazing! Trust me. You are going to realize just how much you want to do this. Your Career Planning Specialist (CPS) will go over all programs, the cost, schedules, review financial aid options and answer any questions you might have. Don’t be afraid to ask questions; in fact, come with a list. Also, be prepared to be asked questions; your new school wants to know about you, what drives you, and what you want your career to be.

What Exactly Do You Want To Do?
Have you thought about what you want to within the cosmetology industry yet? You don’t have to limit yourself to any certain thing in this field. The career possibilities in the beauty industry are virtually endless:
• Make Up Artist
• Colorist
• Educator
• Platform Artist
• Nail Tech
• Product Distributor
You will get to meet students along the tour, as well. This is the best time to ask questions. Ask what it is like to be in school. Trust me, they are happy to share how amazing it is to be finally following your dreams. They are there in the moment—they are the future you! Take that time to observe, watch what is happening, and see yourself in their shoes.

The Golden Ticket
You’ve fallen in love with the school and see your future is bright, now this is when the fun begins! Make the commitment. We will help you with what schedule and start date that will work best for your life. We have day and evening programs in most campuses. The sky is your limit. Follow your dreams, they know the way!
If you are interested in learning more about a future in cosmetology, please fill out the online form on this page or call us at 1 (800) 964-1328.
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