Hands on beauty school salon teaches techniques

by Empire Beauty School
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Beauty school means you are learning to cut hair, right?  It means you’re focused on learning all the tips and tricks you need to pass the state exam and obtain your cosmetology license.  While beauty school teaches you how to cut hair, there is another component in the mix. After all, you won’t be cutting hair for mannequins after beauty school. So, Empire Beauty Schools offer a hands-on salon.  What’s that mean?


When you get started with the CLiC program, you’ll use an interactive program that allows you to practice what you learn step by step.  You will have the opportunity to use the techniques you read about on mannequins, so you get hands on practice. Of course, mannequins aren’t who you’ll really cut hair for.  We take it a step further for you.


If you want to perfect hair cutting, you need to have practice.  After a few classes, we put you, under the close supervision of your instructor (cue music) to practice on real people.  You’ll apply the techniques you learn, like layering, on a salon visitor.  As the instructor walks you through the process, you’ll get more and more well versed at cutting hair.  There is no better way to practice then with an actual person.  Think about it, you’ll start by shampooing the client, then comb them out and cut the hair. Finally, wrap up by styling their hair in the new ‘do you just created.  Pretty sweet day at ‘school.’


All of the beauty schools at Empire Beauty School have a hands-on salon.  We want to make sure our students are prepared for their job. As you know, you have lots of career options after beauty school.  Having real life experience brings our students one step closer to achieving their goals. We can’t make you a success, but we give you all the tools we can to help you make a success of yourself.

August 18, 2011

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