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Chandler, AZ Cosmetology School Rolls out the Red Carpet

by Empire Beauty School

chandler-AZ-fashion-showThe Chandler, AZ, Empire Beauty School rolled out the red carpet, literally, as they celebrated the 100 Days of Empire Open House event at the school. Students and staff decorated the school with a Hollywood theme complete with a red carpet.

Peggy Dudinyak, Director of My Sister’s Place, a localdomestic violence shelter the school “adopted” during National Day of Beauty, attended the event to accept a donation for $2,444.95. She was so surprised at the donation saying, “The amount of the check… I didn’t expect it. This will really help our shelter and those who are staying in the shelter.” Dudinyak also spoke with several students after the presentation and discussed interesting facts about domestic violence, giving insight about this unfortunately common situation many women face.

The school also hosted a pre-qualifying competition for Empire’s Future Professionals Expo. The categories for the competitions were hair and nails. The top three winners from each category will compete again in two weeks to determine who will go to Empire’s Future Professionals Expo in Hershey this May. The competitions were judged bychandler-az-fashion-show-2

local salon members. Students also gave complimentary make overs and other beauty services to guests throughout the day. Don’t forget to view the gallery of photos on the portal for each of the school’s Open House events.



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