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Chandler, AZ Beauty School Hosts Open House; Competitions

by Empire Beauty School

chandler beauty schoolsThe Chandler, AZ, Empire Beauty School combined their Celebrating Mom Open House event with several timed skills events and competitions.

The competitions the students participated in were clipper cuts, hair design and braiding. The Student Salon was also busy with fun activities for moms, aunts and grandmothers who received pampering services while watching the competitions.

On top of all the great activities and salon services for those who inspired the students, there was a pizza party for everyone in honor of the day’s theme. The students and all the guests were very enthusiastic about the day. The students were very excited to be able to give back to the ones in their lives who have given them so much support.

The students and staff at the Chandler school also gave back another way at their Celebrating Mom event—they gave back to the community by donating $1,618.51 to their local domestic violence shelter, My Sister’s Place. The funds were raised by the students during the 2010 Nation Day of Beauty event.chandler beauty schools2

Jane Richards was on hand from My Sister’s Place to accept the check and she thanked everyone for the generosity. She also offered the students a brief education on why cosmetologists are so impor­tant in helping to end domestic violence, “The number one reason why cosmetologist professionals are so vital to the efforts against domestic violence is because abusers will attend doctor, dental and hospital visits but rarely attend salon visits and it gave victims an opportunity to seek out help.”



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