You Did the Hard Part… Now Pass the Cosmetology State Board Exam!

by Empire Beauty School

You’ve endured it all during your time in beauty school. Good times, bad times, memorable experiences, life lessons. You hit the books hard, learned about things you never thought could possibly be related to cosmetology- math, chemistry, anatomy, even history (of hair that is)! You got through it-and there were juicy topics mixed in too, those you really enjoyed. The good stuff about hair color, trend cuts, nails, and facials just to name a few.

Preparing for State Board Exam

After the books, or theory as some call it, came the interesting, hands-on “classroom in a salon” you waited for and envisioned. That really lit a fire beneath you, right? You worked on some interesting projects- some fun, some challenging- but always a learning adventure you’d not soon forget. This was your kind of school.

And then for the finale of your studies-you worked on actual people! This was the bread and butter, the king of curriculums. You made transformations, changed lives, and explored your creative side. Guess what else? You loved it! You graduated and are almost there- ready to take on the world as a master of creativity for profit. You’ll soon be all you can be: a great cosmetologist armed with a license, a pair of shears, and a vision!

But the license…that seems to be a sticking point with some. Why? Well, various reasons have been given. Mostly, it’s because of taking the test, the state board exam. Believe it or not, many endure the stages of beauty school described, leaving with a sound education and polished talent, yet dread that exam. Agreed, no one really enjoys being tested and especially having to pay a fee for this anxiety, but think about it. Are you gaining anything by letting it go? You will, little by little, slowly forget those details you had to learn in the books early on. Guess what happens then? You’ll need to study even more! Some even have to take refresher classes. Why bother with all that? Do it now! You have nothing to lose…except the memory of some facts and figures the longer you wait. And to gain? The future you always dreamed of!

State Board Exam

Follow these links to find out information about Cosmetology state board testing, licensing and regulations for your state:

December 13, 2011

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